Historic Dress
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HistoricDress is a collaboration among many different collections and institutions:

Rexford Costume Research Archive

The personal research archive of Costume Historian Nancy Rexford represents objects she has studied in collections across the United States. In over 30 years of consulting work, Ms. Rexford has collected materials that serve as an impressive finding aid both to women's fashion periodicals from the late 18th to early 20th century and to original objects that are in small collections all across the country. 

Smith College Historic Clothing Collection



Robert and Penny Fox Historic Costume Collection at the Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts and Design at Drexel University



The Ohio State University Historic Costume & Textiles Collection 

Collection website: http://costume.osu.edu/

Fashion2Fiber website: https://fashion2fiber.osu.edu/


Vassar College Costume Collection 

website: http://vcomeka.com/vccc

blog: http://pages.vassar.edu/vccc

Commercial Pattern Archive

URL: http://copa.apps.uri.edu

University of Rhode Island Library
Distinctive Collections
15 Lippitt Rd.
Kingston RI, 02881

Contact: Joy Emery,  Commercial Pattern Archive Curator

Email: jemery@uri.edu
Phone: 401-874-2713 fax: 401-874-4608

The Commercial Pattern database, CoPA, contains an extensive collection of commercial clothing paper patterns. The digital database includes of over 62,000 patterns with images of the fashion and pattern schematics from the mid-19th century to present time. To enroll please see To Enroll in the top menu bar.